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The Airport Stays Green

Now in its tenth edition, the social responsibility program entitled “Friends of the Airport - Friends of the Environment” continued Friday, September 12, 2014, with a new action regarding environmental education, "The Airport Stays Green" and was held at Mogoşoaia.

In order to provide an attitudinal model in relation with the environment, covering issues such as the consequences of environmental degradation and raising awareness regarding our role in creating and preventing environmental problems, BANC employees were invited to take part in this event, the participation being voluntary.

Striving to optimize the bond with the environment, the actions of forest ecology and tree planting took, this time, another form of approach by continuing the social responsibility program, attacking one specific vulnerability of the Romanian behavior and contradicting what has become a disturbing pattern in spending time on the grass: the fire made ​​in all the wrong places, bad quality music and mountains of trash left after picnic, completely covering the green areas with plastic bags and bottles.

Because we have plenty of chefs in our company and we already have some successful precedents, the event included a new contest: "CNAB, a company with flavor" (homemade cakes contest with important awards).

The objective of “The Airport Stays Green” program has been reached and the BANC team demonstrated that knows how to apply the 54/2012 Law regarding picnic activities but also the laws of good mood, common sense and the one of a well done job.

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