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Azerbaijan Airlines, first flight on the route Baku - Bucharest - Baku

On June 3, 2024, Bucharest Airports National Company organized an event celebrating the first flight of Azerbaijan Airlines on "Henri Coandă" Bucharest International Airport. This inaugural flight was welcomed by Bucharest Airports National Company with a water salute. There will be two flights per week, on Mondays and Thursdays, the duration of a trip being three hours.

The event was attended by Mr. Ștefan Radu Oprea, Minister of Economy, Entrepreneurship and Tourism, Mr. Gudsi Dursun Oglu Osmanov, Ambassador of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Romania, Mr. Vasile Soare, Ambassador of Romania in Azerbaijan, Mrs. Corina Martin, Honorary Consul of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Constanta, as well as other representatives of Azerbaijan Airlines, representatives of the Embassy of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Romania, representatives of the Romanian Embassy in Baku and of Bucharest Airports National Company.

Lansarea noi rute aeriene dintre România şi Azerbaijan îi va face pe antreprenorii români să iasă din zona de confort, iar implicit relaţiile economice, diplomatice şi culturale dintre cele două ţări vor creşte, a declarat, luni, ministrul Economiei, Antreprenoriatului şi Turismului, Ştefan-Radu Oprea, la conferinţa de lansare a operaţiunilor de zbor de pe Aeroportul Internaţional "Henri Coandă" Bucureşti a rutei ruta Baku - Bucureşti - Baku.

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