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Henri Coanda International Airport – towards Carbon Neutral

Bucharest Airports National Company was certified by ACI with the Airport Carbon Accreditation, Level 3 – Optimisation for Bucharest Henri Coanda International Airport (AIHCB).

”Henri Coanda Airport received this accreditation as an acknowledgement for the extensive work to reduce carbon emissions, as well as involving their business partners to do the same, as a reaction of the global airport industry to the climate change challenge”, as mentioned in the certificate sent by ACI Europe.  

This accreditation is granted as a result of a thorough analysis of carbon emissions and steps taken by airport authorities and airport infrastructure users (airlines, handling, refuelling, catering etc companies). The programme credibility is ensured by independent assesors and the accreditation committee is made up of representatives of the most important European and world institutions – the European Commission, the International Civil Aviation Organization, UNO, EUROCONTROL etc Bucharest Băneasa Aurel Vlaicu Internatioanl Airport has just renewed its accreditation at Level 1 Mapping.

According to a report released by ACI at the beginning of October, there are 237 accredited airports around the world at present, out of which there are 133 European airports (65% of the total European passengers traffic). Only 87 of the 237 airports reached Level 3 (Optimisation) or Level 3+ (Carbon Neutral).

ACI Airport Carbon Accreditation Programme ensures the global standard for the management of carbon emissions in airports. It was launched in Europe, in 2009; since 2014, it has been extended to all the regions of the world, supporting the airports community in reducing their CO₂ footprint.

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