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The 1st of June - Pirates` attack in the airport!

The tradition goes on! If it’s the 1st of June, a kids’ party certainly takes place in the airport. And because every year we come up with something new, this time the event was organized in collaboration with the Inspectorate for Emergency Situations and the result  was another story, "Pirates attack in the airport", where the protagonists were over 150 children who searched the treasure hidden by pirates - an adventurous journey in which they had to go through some tests of great difficulty: climbing a giant wall, a devastating tsunami and a fire ball attack; luckily, the firemen were nearby, giving the children a helping hand and teaching them how to extinguish any fire.

At the end of all these difficult procedures, the reward was as such, the children managing to recover the lost treasure: the joy of childhood which all those who were present fully tasted.

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Airport Location

Bucharest Băneasa-Aurel Vlaicu International Airport is located in the North side of Bucharest city .

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