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New record audience at BIAS 2014: over 120,000 spectators

Organized by Bucharest Airports National Company, The Romanian Air Club, ROMATSA, ROMAERO and AIBO Sports Club, the largest air show in Romania - Bucharest International Air Show & General Aviation Exhibition (BIAS) took place on Saturday, the 21st of June and on Sunday, the 22nd of June on Bucharest Băneasa–Aurel Vlaicu International Airport.   

The sixth edition of the most impressive air show in Romania has registered a record audience this year of over 120,000 viewers and gathered 120 civil and military aircraft and also over 150 top pilots and parachutists.
On Sunday, at the air show, people could watch the amazing performance of: Baltic Bees, the Latvian team, known for its unique style of flight and for its artistic maneuvers of maximum difficulty, Jurgis Kairys, world champion in aerobatics, Flying Bulls, professional artists of the flight and Luca Bertossio, world champion in glider aerobatics.
Important names of the flying elite of Romania also performed at the event: The Romanian Air Club, The Aerobatic Yakkers, TAROM, Hawks of Romania, The Romanian Eagles, The Pelicans, White Wings and Blue Wings.
The Romanian Air Force made their mark on BIAS 2014 with a series of powerful aircraft: MIG 21 Lancer, IAR 316 Alouette, IAK 52, IAR 330 PUMA and C 130 Hercules. The spectators had the chance of watching air police and air assault exercises carried out by the Air Force.

On Saturday and Sunday, the General Aviation Exhibition was opened for public. Dozens of civil aircraft, from ultralight to business jets were displayed. Military aircraft (MIG 21 Lancer aicraft, Spartan C271, Puma M military helicopter) and combat equipment (radars and missile launching systems) were also available for the exhibition’s visitors.

During BIAS 2014, Băneasa Airport also held a rock concert by Cristi Minculescu & Nuţu Olteanu Super Group, which took place on Saturday evening.

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Bucharest Airports National Company

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Airport Location

Bucharest Băneasa-Aurel Vlaicu International Airport is located in the North side of Bucharest city .

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