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8th March 2013 "Women in aviation"

Launched in January at the airport of Dubai, the photographic exhibition "Women in Aviation" made a "stop-over" in Bucharest, being hosted by Bucharest Henri CoandăInternational Airport from March 8 to March 24, after which it will continue its journey for 3 years, on other airports in the world, following the Moscow and Vilnius ones. The opening of Women in Aviation International exhibition at Bucharest Henri Coandă International Airport was the best opportunity to meet female representatives of the Romanian aviation segment. And, because Bucharest Airports National Company has, for several years, the tradition of celebrating the woman in March, this year we extended this tradition, having the honor to host an event with international recognition. The international conference "Women in Aviation" could have not been held in another day, with greater symbolism for women, than on March 8. Six panels with images and information from international aviation history (summaries of important women in international aviation, information about aviation development in the last 100 years) and three panels with female reference points promoting the Romanian aviation, such as Elena Caragiani, Marina Ştirbei, Smaranda Brăescuoccupied the new terminal of AIHCB. Also, with the support of Bartoc Foundation documents, photographs and medals that belonged to famous aviators were displayed.

Photo Gallery

Airport Location

Bucharest Băneasa-Aurel Vlaicu International Airport is located in the North side of Bucharest city .

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